Get In Touch With Your Nature

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Fortunately, revolt is primal. It’s basic to your sense of self and identity. It has been evolving over the last 40,000 years—we are fundamentally historical beings, responsible for shaping our present and future simultaneously.

Revolt enhances your wellbeing by: 

  • Getting beyond suppression of ‘truth’. Ask deeper, more complex questions to help you dispel ignorance and naïve beliefs. It will stimulate more brain connections, and more pro-social chemicals. 

  • Increasing actions—physical and mental– that explore contradictions—the difference between what’s being said, for example, “America is the greatest country in the world”, and the reality that 1 in 5 children live below the poverty line. 

  • Increasing your ability to tolerate the anxiety of learning deeper truths about injustice— beyond what’s normally given as a dominant explanation: “poor people are stupid and lazy”, for example.

  • Shaping reality in a way that adds to our humanity by creating a more just world, demonstrating intolerance for injustice, and respect for all living beings and the environment. 

  • Challenging the normative culture and narratives on issues of gender and identity, race and status, and economic inequality. 

  • Exercising leadership skills and/or confidence in speaking up, and challenging authority to move social and economic constraints forward. 

  • Connecting with others who share your values in ways that promote friendship and deeper personal relationships  

What are you doing to create a future that’s more advantageous and humane than your present? What do you imagine it to be?

Pick an organization that’s committed to progressive change and join. 

Please send us posts of people and projects that you admire and are moving revolt forward.